Monday, 14 September 2009

A missed opportunity

On my way home today I found myself in a situation that I encounter far too often, seeing something interesting or beautiful and not having my camera with me.

The photo opportunity I missed today was a delightful little caravan parked in amonst some trees and there next to it, enjoying the grass stood the strong horse who had pulled it from wherever it came, it really was just picture perfect.

So I thought to share this with you I would search the web and find some inspiring images.

I found these at Les Verdines who restore old caravans and bring them back to life, the images are so dreamy and magical don't you think?

Images via Les Verdines


Denise Kiggan said...

Thanks for popping by and visiting my flickr too. It is good to meet you!
I love your campervan pics!

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

I. Want. To. Live. There.


Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing :-)