Saturday, 11 April 2009

What's your mood?

Over the past couple of years i've been collecting any images and patterns from magazines that I like and making a kind of scrapbook from them.
I seem to stick bits in it in waves and hadn't touched it for sometime, then yesterday I picked it up and thought i'd take a few photos and share it with the rest of you.

What do you think?
Do you do anything like this? if so what?

1 comment:

The Dotty One said...

Decided not to leave a comment on your pay it forward post as I didn't want to confuse anyone into thinking I was one of the three commenters but v happy to have you on board - thanks for signing up! Will leave it a few more days before I post again about PIF to give others a chance to sign up.

Glad I popped over - I'm enjoying looking at your blog, lovely pics. I'm pleased that someone else does this - I can't throw away beautiful pics in magazines so I have cardboard boxes full of things I've torn out - nothing like as neat as yours - what a great idea!