Tuesday, 1 July 2008

My new blog!

Here it is, finally, Bee Designs' new blog!
Now this is the point where i'm starting to think "what am I going to write about for the next however long"? Well i'm not really sure but one thing I do know is that it will certainly include lots of creative stuff and probably even more spelling errors (sorry about those)!!
I hope you enjoy it but please bear with me while I get use to this "blogging" thing.


babyhoot. said...

welcome to the blog world! I felt the same way when I first started out (in fact, I didn't want to have a blog- "what the heck would I say every day?!") but now I love it; and it's fun.
I like your layout, it's nice and clean and pretty. Good luck!

seedling said...

Goodluck with your blog! I love your banner :)


Marie Louise said...

Well, congrats on your new blog. I've only been at it myself since April of this year. I am writing from the States but used to be married to a Brit and lived in London. Unfortunately never made it up to the Midlands. I know it's beautiful there!